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The People of Sparks: The Second Book of Ember
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 7 hours and 55 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Listening Library
Audible.com Release Date: June 4, 2004
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
ASIN: B0002P0E9A
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
This is a book that my students asked for! We just finished reading the City of Ember as a class pleasure read, and the kids asked if we could buy the second book in the series. It is a small group reading class with middle school students being served in special education. Of course if they ask for a book I'm going to buy it for them! There are five students in the class, which means that I can buy One Kindle version of this novel and download it onto all five of their class kindle fires for everyone to read. I love seeing kids excited about books! I highly recommend the City of Ember series for upper elementary and middle school age kids. They love this dystopian novel series, and it makes for interesting class discussions and activities.
This is a post apolyptic story as told through the eyes of a 12 year old. I read this 6-7 years ago with my daughter. It's still on my Kindle so I decided to read the series again. Wow, it really is relevant to what's going on in the world today! The People of Ember are now refugees seeking a new home. Our world is full of refugees now trying to find countries that will take them in. They are strange to us. We are afraid of them. We worry about the welfare of our own people. Sometimes there doesn't seem to be a right or wrong answer to the questions of this world crisis;. A crisis that has seems to hit every generation within my lifetime. This series may help children, or anyone, to understand both sides of the situation. Read together​ it could open up a great dialogue between a parent and child about our current world problems on a level that they can understand.
When the people of Ember thought all was lost, a couple of young kids were able to find their way out of the underground, dying city. Now, in The People of the Sparks by Jeanne DuPrau, the people of Ember must find a way to survive in a whole new world.Lina and Doon knew they couldn't stay in Ember any longer, but they didn't anticipate how life would be aboveground. It was beautiful, full of light and color like nothing the over 400 Ember refugees had ever seen. After three days, they stumbled upon a town called Sparks where life was hard, but people were living. In a world where multiple plagues and world wars had ravaged the land and left only a few survivors, the people of Sparks were survivors. But with only 300 or so residents of the small settlement, the addition of the 400+ ember refugees makes life tough on everyone. Barely able to feed themselves in rough winters, they have no idea what they are going to do now that they have more than doubled their population.At first people are kind and supportive and even a little amused by the Emberites naivete. They forget the people from the underground city wouldn't know about seasons, mountains, birds, or flowers, but they enjoy teaching them new things. Soon, however, the wear and tear of taking care of people who don't know how to take care of themselves makes charity difficult, and the people of Sparks begin to resent their new arrivals. Doon and Lina know something must be done, but they have very different ideas of how to do it. How do you stop a war between two groups of people who are both right?There is something magical about this series that when I read it, I feel like I am reading a fairy tale. I don't know how to explain it, and it isn't just the "youth" of the story, but it really does feel like reading a fairy tale full or moral and ethical lessons we all need to learn. It seems like a dark and heavy story for a middle reader, but it surprisingly isn't. It is told in a way that middle readers can relate to and never be overwhelmed by, which is the genius behind this series.This is a great second installment to the series, as it takes the people of Ember in a whole new direction. But more importantly are the central themes of outsiders, being different, tolerance, and helping people even when it makes things difficult for you. This is a beautiful series to read in your class with your students or at home together with your child as it has so much to offer as they grow and learn about the world. It should be a staple in every library as well. I am impressed by DuPrau, and can't wait to see where the story takes us!
I tutor at the local elementary school and my 5th grader and I have our own exclusive 2-person Book Club. He suggested we read "The City of Ember" so we did and now we've moved onto "The People of Sparks." It is interesting writing and so much for us to contemplate and talk about and think about. We discuss, in comparison, the current state of affairs in our own country and contrast what happened in those two books with the very many crises that are occurring in countries now such as North Korea, the Middle East, the Ukraine. Also, past atrocities such as the Hitler's philosophy about mankind and what happened only 20 years ago in Rwanda. So much of relevance to discuss in perspective of this series of books.
This is the second offering in the books of EMBER. In this one we find the people of Ember finally emerging from their dying and beloved underground city. They have followed the instructions left by Lina and Doon. Now they join the people of the town of Sparks. Friction between the two groups starts right from the begining. Not enough food, the people of Ember have no idea of surviving in this new and strange world, where the sky is blue and there is no end in the horizon. Lina now learns about the DISASTER when travelling to a deserted and destroyed city.As I mentioned, this is in fact a good and great read. Nevertheless if compared to the first book "City of Ember" it lacks. The People of Sparks it's written almost like a lecture. There are no plots, no surprises. The book is a good read because the Author manages to keep the story interesting. I'm really looking forward for the next book of Ember. I hope the magic and the thrill are back.Cheers.
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